Here we are… again!

This time I’ll not forget to update my website: I promise!

Ok.. I can already hear some “liar” surrounding me and probably it’s true: I always forget to update my blog/pages/whatever
I created in the past and the reason is that what I was writing was not interesting! (and I don’t want to consider how difficult was to deal with the old blog app)

So I decided to do a couple of simple things:

  1. Install wordpress and removing the ugly content manager I was using (BTW I love wordpress)
  2. Applying a nice and clean theme
  3. Using my poor English to write the content of this website
  4. and … more than everything: I decided to not be ambitious!
Maybe you (my dear 3 readers) are wondering the meaning of the forth point, so here is my explanation!
what I don’t want to do is to think that a lot of people will follow me. There are too meny interesting websites around to think that mine deserves attention!
So my idea is that I’ll use this website as a view of my life trough internet. So I’ll post about my life, my job, my interests!
We’ll se what happens!
Se you soon!